Oatfield: The Sweet Stuff
by Collective

Oatfield: The Sweet Stuff, 2009
Ask anyone who knows anything about Letterkenny in County Donegal and they will mention two things, one that Letterkenny was the fastest growing town in Europe and two, it was the home to Oatfield Sweet Factory! To celebrate and acknowledge 80 years in business in 2009, a Multi-disciplinary Public Art Project with three significant parts was commissioned.

1. Temperance

2. The Sweet Fantastic

3. Oatfield The Sweet Stuff

exhibation in the r.c.c. photo of an instlution in the r.c.c. photo of an instlution in the r.c.c. kid painting kids painting

A Journey Through the Sweet Fantastic from Jeremy Howard on Vimeo.

    The Sweet Fantastic

    The Sweet Fantastic Opening Night

    Abigail O Brien



      Educate Together